Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI), a Davey Tree Company, is a leading environmental and cultural resource consulting firm in the eastern U.S. Established in 1991, we have grown to more than 260 staff in 2024, and along the way have earned an excellent reputation in the industry, with regulators, and with our clients, including state agencies and local governments. WSSI provides expertise and experience for public and private sector clients to obtain the environmental approvals needed to create the built environment. Our services include:
- Environmental Science, including delineation of wetlands and other Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS)
- §404/401 Clean Water Act Permitting and Compliance
- NEPA Studies and Documents
- Civil, Stormwater, and Water Resources Engineering
- Environmental Compliance
- Stream & Wetland Restoration & Mitigation
- Ecosystem Restoration and Management
- Cultural Resource Investigations
- Land and Bathymetric Surveying
- Forest Conservation, Urban Forestry Planning, & Specialized Tree Preservation
- GIS/Mapping Services
- Environmental Site Assessments and Hazardous Materials Investigations
- Air Quality Studies and Permitting
- Chesapeake Bay Act Studies, Permitting, and Compliance
- Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Projects, including Chesapeake Bay TMDL
- Reality Capture, LiDAR, and UAV Services
WSSI is headquartered in Gainesville, Virginia, and has regional offices in Virginia, Maryland, and Kentucky, along with field offices in North Carolina and Florida. Our experience is extensive: since 1991 WSSI has worked on 18,000+ projects across more than 1 million acres. We also have created and restored over 1,000 acres of wetlands and designed more than 75 miles of stream restoration.
WSSI emerged from The Michael Rolband Company, a real estate development firm which specialized in environmentally-challenged sites. In 1991, the organization incorporated under the new name of Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. to reflect our shift in focus to Clean Water Act permitting and the regulatory requirements of state and local water protection efforts, including Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act. WSSI became a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of The Davey Tree Expert Company in 2014.
Click here to view our brochure and company video.