data centers

Data Centers

Our experience has earned us a reputation as a trusted partner in data center site development. With one of the highest concentrations of data centers in the world close to our headquarters office, we understand the key ingredients for ideal data center project sites and what is essential for success.

Our identification of environmental and cultural resource constraints on sites early in the development process has proved to be an important component for project success. Our services allow for more informed site planning and engineering – ultimately resulting in projects that avoid unnecessary impacts and can more easily obtain permits for unavoidable impacts to wetlands and other WOTUS.

WSSI works with data centers and others to identify opportunities to further environmental stewardship, biodiversity, and the ecological value of the lands they manage and own. Strategies include reviewing and leveraging data center client’s existing practices, operations, and frameworks providing a path forward to successfully engage stakeholders, decision makers and implement programs . WSSI also works with clients to develop program metrics and reporting tools to address internal key performance indicators (KPIs) and outward-facing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting. Our project and program experience includes pollinator habitat restoration, stream restoration and wetland creation, evaluation of carbon sequestration via planting, and the generation of credits for nutrient reduction on-site. WSSI is well versed in assisting its clients in establishing and maintaining federal, state, and third-party/ non-profit environmental stewardship based programs and certifications.

Trusted from Start to Finish

WSSI works with clients and engineers from beginning to end – first providing wetland delineations and surveys, archeological investigations, endangered and threatened species studies, and other locally required studies. We work with project teams to develop permittable plans and coordinate with regulatory agencies to obtain Clean Water Act permits and determine appropriate compensation for impacts. During active development, our staff provides compliance inspections for stormwater management, impacts to wetlands and other regulated waters, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) preparation and audits.

Our Services

  • Site feasibility/GIS constraints mapping
  • Environmental Site Assessments and remediation
  • Wetland and stream delineation and survey location
  • Permit procurement for impacts to wetlands and other Waters of the U.S.
  • Cooling tower water discharge permitting
  • Stream assessments
  • Local Chesapeake Bay protection ordinance compliance
  • Endangered and Threatened Species (ETS) habitat evaluations and searches
  • Tree stand evaluations
  • Environmental permit compliance
  • Cultural Resource investigations (archeology, architectural history)
  • Stormwater planning, permitting, and compliance (VSMP, SWPPP)
  • Water quality sampling and monitoring
  • Wetland mitigation and stream restoration
  • Planning for biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and pollinator habitat