Woodstock Cove Park’s only access driveway for park visitors was threatened by shoreline erosion where the land met the Elizabeth River tributary. WSSI staff* led the effort to install a living shoreline to stabilize the bank in an eco-friendly and aesthetically pleasing manner.

The Challenge

An eroding shoreline was creeping closer to the only visitor access road for this City park adjacent to the Elizabeth River. The City of Virginia Beach needed a solution that would withstand the water level changes and storm action while maintaining a natural look fit for a park.

Our Solution

WSSI staff began by assessing site conditions and evaluating various shoreline stabilization alternatives. We provided the City with the shoreline options, as well as construction cost estimates and the potential environmental permitting requirements, and made recommendations on next effective steps.

As a result of the initial analysis, WSSI developed design drawings for a 495 linear foot wetland bench with a vegetated shoreline and a 13-food-wide wetland sill bench at the toe of slope, which was planted with smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) and saltmeadow cordgrass (Spartina patens) at proper elevations.

Ahead of the project installation, WSSI completed the wetland delineation and secured wetland permits from the COE. Impacts to wetlands for the project were mitigated through the wetland bench creation. Mitigation ratios for impacts to mudflats were calculated using the Virginia Institute of Marine Science Function Specific Credit Calculation Method (VIMS Method).

WSSI completed two years of post-construction wetland permit compliance monitoring to ensure continued project success.

* The City of Virginia Beach contracted with Kerr Environmental Services, which joined WSSI in 2018.

Project Facts
  • Owner
    City of Virginia Beach
  • Location
    Virginia Beach, VA
  • Size
    700 linear feet of shoreline
  • Robert Kerr

    Virginia Beach, VA

  • Curtis Hickman

    Virginia Beach, VA